Thursday, August 18, 2016

Savage Worlds Fantasy Setting: Hellspawn Racial Build

Here is the Hellspawn, my version of tieflings from D&D. When the Hellmouth erupted several years ago, most creatures living in the area were killed. A few, however, agreed to an infernal bargain and were transformed into hellspawn.

The defining characteristic of Hellspawn is that they serve a demonic master. I thought initially of just using Harrowed from Deadlands: Reloaded as Hellspawn. I did not want them to be undead, though. Totems of the Dead had a Pact Edge that allowed communication and the ability to cast spells between a master and an apprentice. There were no mechanics involved, however. The GM simply decided if a character got a benefit from the Edge. I knew that this was too subjective for my tastes.

I took the idea of a pact and combined it with the idea of fighting for Dominion between a PC and a Manitou in Deadlands. The result is the Servitor racial ability. It has not been play tested and no one is playing a Hellspawn at the moment, so I will have to wait to see how it works at the table.

The Cursed racial ability only gives 1 Benny because I give out a lot of Bennies. Being docked one wouldn't be much of a Hindrance, to be honest. I am not sure that two is enough. 


Infernal Eyesight (+2): Hellspawn can see in the dark. They never suffer penalties for Dim, Dark, or Pitch Darkness lighting conditions.

Balefire (+2): Hellspawn have 5 Power Points with which to cast Balefire (Smite). The Power Points recharge at a rate of 1 per hour, are unaffected by the Rapid Recharge edge, and cannot be used with any other Arcane Background edge. Hellspawn use their Spirit die as their Arcane Casting Die.

Servitor (+2)
  • All Hellspawn have entered into a Pact with a demon.
  • This demon is the Hellspawn's Master. The Master has a +1 bonus to Persuasion, Spellcasting, and all opposed rolls made against its Servitor.
  • The Hellspawn acquires the Major Hindrance: Vow (Fulfill Your Master's Wishes).
  • The Hellspawn or the Master may spend an action to invoke the Pact and establish telepathic communication with one another.
    • The telepathic link lasts until canceled, whether by the Hellspawn or the Master , or until the Hellspawn or the Master become shaken, wounded, or unconscious.
    • The telepathic link allows the Master to cast spells on the Servitor regardless of range or what plane the two happen to be on. The occurrence of this benefit depends on how much the Hellspawn is working for or against their Master’s will.
    • The two make opposed Spirit rolls. The demon's Spirit is always one die step higher than the Servitor. The spell is cast if the Servitor wins. The Servitor gains a level of Fatigue if the Master wins with a Raise.
    • The Servitor gains a modifier based on their current Rank versus the spell's Rank. A Novice Servitor requesting a Seasoned Rank spell would have -1 to his roll. A Veteran Servitor requesting a Novice Rank spell would have +2 to his roll.
    • The Servitor can have a modifier of -2 to +2 based on his fulfillment of their Master's wishes.
  • [Note that I made all of this up, and it may be subject to change.]

Vow (Major): Fulfill Your Master's Wishes: from the Servitor Edge above.

Outsider (-1): No one likes Hellspawn, except other Hellspawn. -2 Charisma.

Weakness: Cold Iron (-1): Weapons made of cold iron receive a +1 to damage rolls against Hellspawn.

Cursed (-2): A Hellspawn begins each session with only 1 Benny. They may never take the Luck or Great Luck Edges.

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