Friday, August 12, 2016

Savage Worlds Fantasy Setting: Orc Racial Build

Here is the orc, a playable character race in our group's fantasy campaign.

Orcs are a race of warriors. As such, I made them strong and big; and gave them the Berserk Edge. 

Darkvision was a no-brainer. In return, I gave them a penalty to action in normal lighting conditions. This one might be a little harsh. I expect that a lot of the party's time will be spent in dungeons deep and caverns old, though. We will wait and see how this works.

I gave them a penalty to raising their Spirit die at character creation. I had initially gave them a penalty to Smarts. However, all orcs have the Berserk Edge, so being dumb is not really a penalty.

I decided not to give them a Charisma penalty beyond the one for having racial enemies. While other races might hold orcs in contempt for their savage nature, individual orcs do not suffer a Charisma penalty.


Strong (+2): Orcs start with a d6 Strength. This may be raised to d12+1 in the course of normal advancement. The Expert and Master Edges may raise it to d12+3.

Berserk (+2): All orcs have the Berserk Edge because, well, they're orcs.

Tough (+2): Orcs are durable and add +1 to their Toughness.

Darkvision (+2):  Orcs can see in the dark. They never suffer penalties for Dim, Dark, or Pitch Darkness lighting conditions.

Survivor (+1): Orcs start with a d6 in Survival.

Sensitive to Light (-2): Orcs suffer a -1 to Trait rolls in normal lighting conditions

Primal (-2): It takes two points for orcs to raise their Spirit attribute by one die at character creation.

Racial Enemy: Elves (-1): Orcs hate elves. They suffer a -4 Charisma penalty when interacting with  elves.

Racial Enemy: Dwarves (-1): Orcs hate dwarves. They suffer a -4 Charisma penalty when interacting with dwarves.

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