Monday, August 8, 2016

Savage Worlds Fantasy Setting: Elf Racial Build

Continuing the mechanical builds of different races in our group's fantasy campaign. Today's build: the elf.

Most settings have elves living in a forest. Just as with dwarves, I wanted a mechanical explanation for this. To do so, I gave all elves Tree Step: a modified Burrow power that works with trees. This allows an elf to step into one tree and reemerge from another one within range. This racial ability explains the mystical nature of elves: they can seemingly appear and disappear into thin air. A force of elves in a forest can can launch a devastating ambush and then retreat to safety if things do not go well. An elf in a forest would have a distinct advantage over other races.

The other elven abilities are fairly standard. Elves are agile and beautiful. They see well at night. They are not good with mechanical objects. Elves tend to be slim and not as durable as humans. They are vulnerable to Cold Iron (an actual metal in the campaign world). They hate orcs, who happen to wield weapons made of Cold Iron.

Thinking further about Cold Iron, I would think that chains and manacles made of the stuff would prevent the elves' Tree Step spell from working. Maybe give them a Spirit check?


Agile (+2): Elves are graceful and agile. They start with a d6 in Agility instead of a d4. This may be raised to d12+1 in the course of normal advancement. The Expert and Master Edges may raise it to d12+3.

Beautiful (+2): Elves are gorgeous. +2 Charisma.

Low Light Vision (+1): Elven eyes amplify light like a cat’s, allowing them to see in the dark. Elves ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.

Tree Step (+2): Elves can walk from tree to tree, ignoring the space in between. They have 5 Powers Points with which to cast Tree Step (Burrow). These Power Point recharge at rate of 1 per hour, are unaffected by the Rapid Recharge edge, and cannot be used on any other Arcane Background edge. Elves use their Spirit die as their Arcane Casting Die.

Luddite (-1): Elves have an inbred dislike of mechanical objects. They suffer -2 to Lockpicking and Repair rolls.

Frail (-2): -1 Toughness and cannot take the Brawny Edge.

Racial Enemy: Orcs (-1): Elves hate orcs. They suffer a -4 Charisma penalty when interacting with orcs (a total of -2 because elves are Beautiful).

Weakness: Cold Iron (-1): Weapons made of cold iron receive a +1 to damage rolls against elves.

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