Thursday, August 11, 2016

Savage Worlds Fantasy Setting: Halfling Racial Build

Here is my take on the halfling. Fairly standard stuff. I thought about giving them a spell like ability, perhaps Boost/Lower Trait, but opted not to. 

They get two Bennies instead of one due to Bennies being rewarded at prodigious rate in my games. The Luck Edge gives two Bennies and Great Luck four.


Spirited (+2): Halflings are optimistic beings. They start with a d6 Spirit instead of a d4. This may be raised to d12+1 in the course of normal advancement. The Expert and Master Edges may raise it to d12+3.

Fortunate (+2): Halflings draw two extra Bennies at the beginning of a game session. This may be combined with the Luck and Great Luck Edges.

Slow (-1): Halflings have a Pace of 24 feet per round (4” or 4 squares). Their run die remains d6.

Small (-1): -2 to Strength and damage rolls; -2 Toughness; +1 to Parry and Avoid; and +1 to attack rolls. Your carrying capacity is halved, but the weight of weapons, armor and tools relative to your size is also halved. So, in most situations there's no change. The Brawny Edge and Small Hindrance modify your Toughness as normal, but do not affect the above modifiers - you're simply big or small for your race.

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