Tuesday, August 27, 2013

When the Stars Are Wrong

I GMd a a fun episode of Cthulhu/Northern Crown last Friday night. Only two players showed up. One created a crazy witch hunter and one played a scout/wilderness warrior. I started the characters at 20 XP, but the players had to draw cards on the Veteran o' the Weird West table from Deadlands: Reloaded. The crazy witch hunter ended up lame while the scout ended up forsaken.

I ran a modified version of Drake Manor from the Realms of Cthulhu book. The characters started in Innsmouth, Massachusetts. They dispatched a group of cultists and their fishman allies. Then they travelled to Arkham to seek out the dread book, the Necronomicon. The PCs ultimately ended up burning down Drake Manor. The scout died at the very end of the session, collateral damage from a blast of blunderbuss fire from the witch hunter. Good times.

Horror definitely works with Savage Worlds. However, I don't think Cthulhu/horror is going to work long-term for our group. We've always played Savage Worlds as gonzo and over the top. I've always generously awarded Bennies to the players. For the Cthulhu/Northern Crown/horror session, though, I deliberately restricted the number of Bennies awarded to give a different vibe to the game. It was fun, but not as fun as most of our other sessions.

Most of my players belong to the school of "kick in the door and kill anything that moves, and some things that don't. The GM will know his own." I tend to encourage that style when I GM to be truthful. I also tend towards action the on the seldom occasion that I play. I'd like to return to Northern Crown someday, but it would be more of a Solomon Kane type setting.
Moving onwards, I'm starting a Deadlands campaign. Several years ago, my intro to Savage Worlds was via Deadlands. I ran eight or so sessions, including a couple of one sheets and Coffin Rock. Then that particular group broke up. I was lucky enough to find my current group soon after.


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